Head Office Departments

Department Head of Department Contact

Board Secretariat

Mr. Md. Sana Ullah

Phone: +88-02588-820068
Mobile: 01711-902809, 01708806000
E-mail: dgmbsd@rakub.org.bd

MD's Vigilance Cell

Mr. Md. Babul Akter Sarder
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820089
Mobile: 01708-806030
E-mail: dgmmvc@rakub.org.bd

Public Relation Cell

Mr. Md. Iftekhar Zahid
Public Relation Officer
(Senior Principal Officer)

Phone: +88-02588-820069
Mobile: 01911774852, 01708806009
E-mail: pro@rakub.org.bd
Administration Division:

Personnel Department

Mr. Md. Sarowar Hosain
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820087
Mobile: 01763-751953, 01708806011
E-mail: dgmpd@rakub.org.bd

Human Resource Department

Mrs. Mahmuda Bin Haque
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820088
Mobile: 01715169864, 01515239690
E-mail: dgmhrd@rakub.org.bd

Common Services Department

Mr. Md. Hasanul Islam
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820101
Mobile: 01708-806010
E-mail: dgmcsd@rakub.org.bd

Information and Communication
Technology Department

Mr. Md. Abul Kalam
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820082
Mobile: 01729-282197, 01708806028
E-mail: dgmict@rakub.org.bd

Training Institute

Mr. Subrata Kumar Sarker
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820084
Mobile: 01708-806032
E-mail: principal@rakub.org.bd
Audit, Accounts & Recovery Division:

Compliance Department

Mr. Sk. M. Rezaul Islam
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820093
Mobile: 01708806026, 01991334433
E-mail: dgmiccd@rakub.org.bd

Central Accounts Department-1

Mr. S M Ahsanullah
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820105
Mobile: 01712-265865
E-mail: dgmcad1@rakub.org.bd

Central Accounts Department-2

Mr. Md. Khairul Islam
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820108
Mobile: 01708806018
E-mail: dgmcad2@rakub.org.bd

Loan Recovery Department-1

Mr. Anukul Chandra Sarker
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820098
Mobile: 01708806015
E-mail: dgmlrd1@rakub.org.bd

Loan Recovery Department-2

Mr. Md. Mijanur Rahman
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820099
Mobile: 01708806016
E-mail: dgmlrd2@rakub.org.bd

Law Department

Mr. Md. Zakir Hossain
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820094
Mobile: 01708806024
E-mail: dgmld@rakub.org.bd

Foreign Exchange Department

Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820096
Mobile: 01714-425115
E-mail: dgmfed@rakub.org.bd

Monitoring Department

Mr. Md. Abdul Latif
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +880-2588-820095
Mobile: +8801712-725306, 01708806027
E-mail: dgmmu@rakub.org.bd

Audit Department

Mr. Abu Syed Md. Akhtaruzzaman
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820092
Mobile: 01708806025, 01716-902585
E-mail: dgmau@rakub.org.bd
Operation Division:

Loans and Advance

Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820085
Mobile: 01708806013, 01716210880
E-mail: dgmlad1@rakub.org.bd

Loans and Advance

Mr. Shakil Mahmud
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820097
Mobile: 01912018755
E-mail: dgmlad2@rakub.org.bd

Research and Development

Mr. Md. Tofazzal Hossain
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820086
Mobile: 01708-806447, 01712-290129
E-mail: dgmrdd@rakub.org.bd

Engineering, Procurement and
Maintenance Department

Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820103
Mobile: 01711021720, 01708806020
E-mail: dgmepmd@rakub.org.bd

Budget and Expenditure
Control Department

Mr. Md. Anisur Rahman
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820100
Mobile: 01712-218866, 01708806021
E-mail: dgmbecd@rakub.org.bd

Money Laundering,
Terrorist Financing Prevention
and Branches Control Department

Mr. Shishir Kumar Roy
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820090
Mobile: 01720647009
E-mail: dgmbcd@rakub.org.bd

Risk Management Department

Mr. Md. Abdus Salam
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-025888-62181
Mobile: 01708806031, 01712-657010
E-mail: rmu@rakub.org.bd

Dhaka Branch

Mr. Md. Mukhlesur Rahman
Deputy General Manager

Phone: +88-02-223389409
Mobile: 01776622222
E-mail: dgmdhaka@rakub.org.bd

Local Principal Office (LPO)

Mr. Syed Khirul Islam
Assistant General Manager

Phone: +88-02588-820114
Mobile: 01950993407, 01708806036
E-mail: dgmlpo@rakub.org.bd