To bring deprived of financial service and rural population under organizational financial sercice, BB Refinance Scheme 10TK Account Holder (Short Term) was introduced. To spread income promoter of marginal/small bussiness man and give loans in simple conditions to them, it will help a lot.
upto 60 months
0.5% but not more than 2,00,000/-
0.5% but not more than 1,00,000/-
No security is needed. But personal guarantee is needed from local adult Bangladeshi citizen.
Upto 50,000/- per person
1. Must have atleast 10 taka account.
2. Small/marginal and landless farmers and person who corresponds with agriculture as well as agricultural product yeilding and processing will get this credit.
3. Village/colony based small/micro entrepreneur and proffessionals are eligible.
4. Aggrieved in disaster, small/marginal/landless farmers.
5. Defaulters, Loanee of any reorganization scheme of Bangladesh Bank, Loanee of any government projects are not eligible.
Contact nearest branch.
N.B. : Rate of interest is variable time to time by the Bank Interest Rate Principles.